In the first picture I was pretty pleased with how I looked. I had some slight ab definition, and was drinking beer and eating whatever the hell I wanted. But you can see some extra fat around my belly button area, and those shorts are a size 32! In the second pic, the belly fat is gone, and the shorts are size 30. I actually can’t even wear those shorts surfing because they’re a little too baggy for that now. I’m now around 136-141 lbs (weight is something that fluctuates, not a static number), have a six pack, and those chinos that were tight? Yeah those are baggy on me now. Most importantly of all, I FEEL FKING GREAT. And I think you can see the change in my surfing in the video. Pop up is faster. Pumps have more oomph. Cutbacks have more wrap. Snaps have more snap. What’s not to love?
Is this mostly due to the fact that I hired a coach? 100%. I would never have been able to stay motivated enough to follow through. In fact am still with my coach Nathan at and will be through September this year. I message him every weekday morning at 5a EST (he’s in Wales so it works)! He keeps me positive, focused, and informed about the latest science in diet and fitness. He’s there when I’m feeling depressed about a higher weigh in, and when I’m pumped that I got to a new personal best in my workouts. He gives me a new workout program every 6-8 weeks so that I don’t get bored, and has helped me find affordable equipment online so that I don’t have to spend extra time getting to a gym.
How much do I think I can attribute this to going to a WFPB (whole foods plant based) diet? Some large portion of the 100% I ascribed to getting coaching. Overall this is a dietary pattern that favors sustainable, long-term healthy eating. Why? Because you get to eat higher volumes of food, which equate to lower calories overall. What more food and fewer calories? Yeah, that’s basically the WFPB life hack. It does take some training to get right. While I’m sure there are a few savvy autodidacts that can figure it out on their own, I recommend hiring someone to help you out, at least at first. My first recommendation are the folks at Vegan Coaching (please mention me if you go with them!), but after I’m done with their program, that will switch to me and the team that I assemble here. They’ll be second place! But my aim is to develop surf-specific dietary and fitness coaching to get you to do the best surfing in your life.
Stay tuned to the blog and newsletters for announcements of master classes in calorie tracking, exercises, and plant-based nutrition designed specifically with surfers in mind! If this is something of immediate interest to you, please do not hesitate to reach out to me personally through the site! I can design a coaching program for you to get started that will work with your goals, budget, and schedule. Early adopters will certainly get some percs!