Heyo!!! This is the info page for SurfReady365, my new nutrition and fitness coaching product aimed to get you surfing better faster and for longer. How does this work? Well, it works a lot like my in-water coaching, except that the “delivery” of the coaching is all virtual, which means that you don’t have to wait for there to be good waves or a surf retreat to super charge your surfing practice!!! All you do is go to the same contact info form and tell me that you’re interested in “SR365.” If you want a head start you can just schedule a FREE call using this Calendly link!!!
I have highly customized and lower touch options. If you just want to get started with your surf fitness right away you can do a free 7 day trial:
Or you can get started right away with a low-touch, at home, bodyweight, bands, and swiss ball surf-specific shred program:
Note that with these lower touch plans no coaching or accountability is offered, but if you like them then you can apply half of your balance to a fuller package. Fuller packages are 1-1 and totally custom to you. You’ll receive custom meal and workout plans and exclusive access to my surf specific exercise and meal database. We will make sure that you feel supported and safe for the entire length of your health journey. Some things you can expect within the first 6 weeks: improved digestion, fat loss, increase in lean body mass, increase in mobility and flexibility, more paddling stamina, more explosive pop ups, faster transition between maneuvers, more strength to carry heavier long boards, more confidence in larger surf, increased productivity at home and at work, increased sense of purpose and focus, and reduced anxiety over whether or not you’re making the right choices as regards your overall well being.
Philosophy is the “love of wisdom,” and some say it’s also the study about what it means to “live a good life.” I agree with both of these definitions. Having a PhD in philosophy means that I am an expert at researching all theories about “what it means to live a good life,” including, but not limited to, scientific research into diet and exercise, which I have done extensively and which I continue to perform. It’s not love of wisdom if you don’t keep up to date with the latest research! I have dedicated the past 20 years into researching all the constituent parts of “the good life,” and can say with authority that a tip top nutrition and fitness program are essential to it. Of course I am interested in particular kind of good life. What is that? Well, the surfing kind of good life of course! This means that I’ve developed fitness routines centered on balance, core strength, and anaerobic stamina, not on building big muscles for flexing at bros and sistahs in the gym. The goal of a surf specific fitness program is to develop a strong, lean, flexible, and agile, muscular body. Surfers perform best at the bottom to mid range of their ideal weight spectrum (less body mass to push up in the pop up).
No fitness routine is complete without nutrition. As they say, “abs are made in the kitchen.” I myself follow a vegan dietary pattern, but it’s not necessary that you become vegan to thrive in SR365. I will, however, suggest that you incorporate more plants and plant protein sources into your current patterns. We will work together to develop a meal plan that suits your goals and your lifestyle.
Here’s what people are saying about the program:
Get a free recipe for SR365 Blueberry Oatmeal Bars HERE!!!!