There are many things that people who engage with Conatus have in common: they want to learn to surf “the right way”, they are concerned with how their practice affects others (don’t want to get in the way, hurt others, or hurt self), and they want to connect with other surfers who have a similar mindset. I have always argued that part of what is ‘sustainable’ about the way I mentor people into surfing is the community aspect. Surfing is not a solitary activity — being human is simply not a solitary endeavor. All human endeavors, surfing included, entail other people, and are enhanced when we connect and share with others in a meaningful and intentional manner.
Another common refrain I hear in follow up emails — these are usually far after our first session or group of sessions — is, “You probably don’t remember me, but . . .” Give yourself more credit! I remember everyone! I usually remember the conditions of our session, the particular things you have to work on, and 9.5 times out of 10 I can put a face to your name. On the one hand, I may have something like a photographic memory — back in a former life as a fine dining restaurant server I didn’t write down multi-course orders — and per the Aristotle post, learning languages like Greek and Latin does come a little easier for me. On the other hand, I have a deep respect for anyone that comes to me either to learn to surf from the ground up or to gain new skills in their already established practice. Your dedication to self betterment and your humility in searching after a coach, guide, mentor, philosopher person (whatever you want to call me) are exemplary. So many of you come from interesting walks of life, have different things to work through in your surfing, but the thing that ties you all together is tenacity, focus, and a love of life long learning. All this said, when you email me next time just say, “Hey Dion, it’s ________!” I am always happy to get updates from you and to field questions.
I can’t provide an image of everyone that I have surfed with in the past 6 years, so here is a smattering of stoked CSC crew from 2019/20. Love how these images display a variety of locations and weather scenarios. Nothing stops us! I am working on some posts that feature different students and should have one ready for you soon.