At long last I’ve gotten the YouTube channel up and running. The above video is my first one. Not all videos will be of this deep of a philosophical nature, but it’s definitely a genre I will continue to explore. I plan to put up progress videos, testimonials, CSC backstory, vids about common mistakes, club surfing compilations, day in the life stuff, etc. I am still in the planning phase. I have not yet figured out how much will be completely free and public and what kinds of vids I’ll have a membership only function on. I’ll be figuring a lot of that out through the Patreon Platform where my page is My intuition is that people who pay in and support CSC the most should at the very least get early access, if not exclusive access to some content like inside surfing tips, gear reviews, and any promotional stuff that pops up. You can help in these early phases by simply going to the YouTube channel and subscribing. Also helps if you view, like, and share my vid and any subsequent vids I put up. Going to try to keep things fresh, interesting, and authentic to my vision of philosophy and surfing. Will update here, in newsletters, and on patreon as things become solidified.