Everyone seems fired up about “fish” surfboards these days. I mysellf am in love with them and have been riding them since I was a grom. In this video I go through some of the basic design details of fish surfboards and talk a little about their history. I mention the film “Fish: The Surfboard Documentary,” which you should watch if you want to get deeper into the subject: https://www.redbull.com/us-en/films/fish . I also mention how Australian Mark Richards won four world titles riding twin fins, which aren’t the same exact thing as a fish, except that often fish also have only two fins. The history of twin fins actually stretches further back in surfing history than the 1970s — back to the Bob Simmons in the 1950s. I don’t mention that in the video, but I shall have some more to say about it in future videos. This video is just meant to give a very, very basic overview.